Tips on How to Maintain Good Spinal Health

In our day to day living, we often overlook one of the essential parts of our bodies, and this comes back to bite us after a couple of years. Although the vertebral column is the foundation of the human body, most people think little of it until it starts causing problems, and this explains the millions of people currently suffering from back complications.

Spine health is foundational to good overall body health, and you should prioritize it every single day. Your spine is a crucial part, and it supports vital physiological functions without which you will be left incapacitated. We should all pay more attention to our spinal health when going about daily activities. Here’s how:

Invest in Good Quality Furniture and Mattresses

The health of your spine is dependent on the amount of protection you offer to the spine’s supporting structure. Sitting and sleeping for long hours are inevitable in any human’s life and these two activities exert a lot of pressure on the spine’s supporting structures and can cause a lot of damage if the furniture you are using is not good enough.

Invest in a good-quality, ergonomic office chair which offers full support to the back all through the day. It is also imperative to buy a good mattress which provides support to your back while sleeping. These two might look very basic, but they play a crucial role in promoting the health of your spine.

Assume Good Postures at All Times

However ergonomic your furniture might be, if you are taking up poor sitting and sleeping positions, your spine’s health will be in jeopardy. With the modern sedentary lifestyle of most people in the world, we end up spending more than 11 hours sitting and 8 hours sleeping which means that assuming the wrong posture will expose your spine to almost 20 hours of damage.

Avoid slouching while sitting down and sit upright at all times. Never use your laptop on the bed or use a bad pillow to sleep. These are the good habits which will improve your spine health and help you avoid getting unwanted spinal complications.

Avoid Lifting Heavy Weights

Lifting very heavy objects exerts unbearable pain on the lumbar vertebrae that protect the spine. It is advisable to avoid carrying any weight equivalent to a quarter of your body weight or more, as heavy weight contributes to degeneration of the upper back.

Whether in the gym or around the house, always be extra careful when lifting weights. It is advisable to bend your knees, keep your back straight and gently pick up the weight to avoid exerting sudden pressure on your back. This will keep your spine protected at all times.

Report Any Pain to Your Doctor Immediately

Just the way you would report a tooth ache to your dentist, you should be quick to report any back pain to your doctor. The earlier you report the pain to your doctor, the sooner they will diagnose any complication and help you find ways to alleviate it. You should not wait until the pain is unbearable before reporting it.

Are you experiencing symptoms of upper back pain? Are you looking for ways to keep your spine healthy? Here at Royal Spine Surgery, we care a lot about the well-being of your spine, and through our integrated approach, we will diagnose any problems early on, treat any conditions, and advise you on how to keep your spine healthy at all times. Give us a call today and we will assist you.

About The Author

  • Dr. Abdulhamid

    Dr. Abdulhamid is a highly skilled and experienced board-certified neurosurgeon with a passion for providing exceptional spine care. He specializes in minimally invasive spine surgery and has a reputation for achieving outstanding results for his patients. His commitment to excellence and patient-centered approach have earned him the trust and respect of his patients and colleagues alike.